Central Coast Wood Turners Co-operative Limited

About CCWT

The Central Coast Woodturners Co-op is a not for profit organisation.  The Club was formed in 1985 by a small group of enthusiasts, to promote the art of woodturning and related crafts (such as scroll sawing, wood carving, pyrography and toy making).

Central Coast Woodturners is a group of volunteers who generously provide their time, skills and expertise to allow others to develop skills. A key feature of CCWT is the friendly and supportive atmosphere where all members are encouraged to participate and produce wonderful pieces made from wood. Enquiries from prospective members are always welcome.

CCWT is now open at our new workshop located in the premises previously occupied by Ourimbah Guides at 8 Ourimbah Creek Road, Ourimbah from 8am ~ 12pm on Monday, Friday and Saturday.

Our Official Opening was held on Thursday 21st March 2024. A great day was enjoyed by all.


We are pleased to announce we will be open on Wednesday afternoon / evening from 5pm to 9pm on a trial basis for members. If you work during the week, maybe have weekend commitments but would like to have the opportunity to practice your skills then this may be suitable for you. At the moment, two of our Board members / trainers are giving the opportunity for interested turners and will continue if there is enough support.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT WEDNESDAY OPENING: Bernie Careil (Mob: 0425 222 933) and Richard Waterfield (Mob: 0414 652 323) have been kindly donating their time on Wednesday to allow others to enjoy wood turning. If you would like to come along at this time please contact Richard or Bernie on Tuesday or prior to indicate your intentions because unless we can get 3 turners at least on a regular basis, this trial may be discontinued.


New Members are always welcome. To see our club in operation, visit, ask questions and see if you would like to be involved in the wonderful skills on offer.

OPEN: Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays between 8am and noon. Training for specified Trainers only on Thursday.


At the beginning of each month we hold our members meeting where Wood Turners, Pyrographers, Scroll Sawers and Carvers are encouraged to display their craft items with the opportunity to win vouchers. Below are some of the items shown to members, explained by selected persons. Items may have either been made at the workshop or at their own premises. All highlight the skill and passion that goes into the making of every piece. Below are shown some of the pieces on display at our JULY MEETING.

In particular, the creator of the bird clock (Valda) was very excited to announce that she would be more than happy to explain the process of Pyrography to aspiring people. Sometimes it is a simple matter to see a creation and be inspired. This is evident nearly every day at Central Coast Wood Turners.

The club organises demonstrations, displays and sales at various shopping centres and events. We are not a commercial enterprise but may be able to assist individuals with small projects.
We are Back!

Creightons Visit (Valued supporters of CCWT)
Monica and Erin from Creighton's Funeral Service visited our new premises today (Friday 15th March). It was wonderful to show them our new 'digs' and sit down with them to have a coffee and chat. They kindly agreed to have a quick 'snap' with some members.

Another very successful day at Bunnings Tuggerah sausage sizzle on Saturday 16th March 2024. A big thank you to all members who helped on the day and promoted the club and its activities. We really appreciate everyone who supported our club and made donations. Special mention to Ian who organised this great day for CCWT

It was a very busy day and it wasn't until late in the day that we could manage to take a much needed break (as shown below).

Another very successful day at Bunnings Tuggerah sausage sizzle on Saturday 15th June 2024. A big thank you to all members who helped on the day and promoted the club and its activities. We really appreciate everyone who supported our club and made donations. Special mention to Ian who once again organised this great day for CCWT. Also, a big thank you to Bunnings Tuggerah who allowed us to set up a display of our items at the entry to the store, with many people stopping to see the items and ask questions of our keen volunteer members.

Unlike our previous BBQ in March, the weather was not kind to us with rain and showers interspersed throughout the day. While this might have dampened the ground, it was great to see that it didn't dampen the enthusiasm for sausage sandwiches and drinks. It was really great to see the interest shown by people who came along and genuinely wanted to find out more about our wonderful club.

Upcoming Events:
Once again we have another Bunnings BBQ to be held at Bunnings Tuggerah on Easter Monday, 21st April 2025. If you're a member and willing to help out, please contact Mark Board. It takes time but is always a fun experience.


A proud supporter of CCWT is Walker Bros. Timbers, located at 50-68 Glennie Street,North Gosford, NSW 2250. They have a wide range of timbers and building materials and have a wonderful reputation and CCWT would recommend them for the home handyman and tradie alike.

A loyal supporter of CCWT over many years is Creighton's Funeral Services, contacted by mail at PO Box 55,Ourimbah NSW 2258 or by phone on (02) 4324 1533. At a time of sorrow, Creighton's are always there to lend support in time of need with care and compassion. Central Coast Wood Turners would highly recommend Creighton's Funeral Services.

We are so grateful for Bulls Pickup and Removals,who were very supportive in our transition between premises. They were on time, efficient, took care with all equipment and were pleasant as they undertook the moving process. We could recommend these guys for all the care they put into their work.

Carrolls Timber and Building Supplies, located at the corner of Chelmsford Road and Pacific Highway in Charmhaven have generously donated pine offcuts which are being used by members and new members to practice the very important skills of wood turning, in particular spindle turning with an emphasis on turning of beads and coves and also utilising the correct techniques with tools and gouges. We thank Carrolls for their wonderful support and trust that you would also support them if you are in need of building materials or supplies for your projects.

Yara Law is a Central Coast based law firm established in March 2022, comprising two highly experienced lawyers who have worked in major Australian Law Firms and international companies. Yara Law specialises in corporate and commercial law (including intellectual property / real estate / construction law), contracts and dispute resolution, providing a wide range of legal services to all entities, including individuals and businesses (whether big, medium, small or startup).

Central Coast Wood Turners greatly appreciated the expertise, skills and experience that they provided us, during our transition to our new workshop and premises.

MakeAClock was founded in 1977 by John Wells who migrated from the UK to Australia. Originally, John imported the famous Kieninger (oldest manufacturer of mechanical clock movements) but since being taken over some remaining stock is available at excellent prices.
Due to the quality of their imported components, Make A Clock movements are known for their quality and reliability. The products are popular with schools, craft groups, individuals and those who want to get a clock running again.
John has since retired and passed his business onto his son and daughter-in-law. Only recently (March 2025), Jenny visited and showed some of the impressive array of components to Board members of Central Coast Wood Turners. Make A Clock is a family owned business operating out of Hamilton, Newcastle and as such they provide a friendly and personal service.

Our President, Peter, has been recently touring in Queensland and had the pleasure of being invited to and being amazed by the Bribie Woodies on Bribie Island. Their set up was wonderful and an inspiration. It is presented here as a model for a wood turning and wood working club to show what can be done with amazing artisans.